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Kyrgyzstan Visa for Panamanian Citizens

Apply for Kyrgyzstan Tourist Visa from Panama

To apply for a tourist visa of Kyrgyzstan Panamanian citizens need a letter of invitation from one of the authorized local travel companies.

To get a Letter of Invitation to Kyrgyzstan, please do the following:

  • Fill out Kyrgyzstan Visa Support/Letter of Invitation (LOI) Form: Download Form
  • Email us a good quality scan of your passport;
  • Email us a scan of an employment letter (self employed, freelancers, retirees and housewives don't need it)
Once we have received all above required documents and payment, we will submit your documents for approval by the Kyrgyz authorities. The approval period is about 1-2 business days.

Many travel agents "make" tourists buy a tour package with a fixed itinerary. Our company does not "make" you do that. GLOBAL CONNECT is located in Uzbekistan, but the invitation will be arranged by another company in Kyrgyzstan.

  • Invitation letter to Kyrgyzstan up to 30 days - 75 USD  (the approval period is about 3-5 business days)

Pay attention, we have to register your stay during your visit to Kyrgyzstan. If not to register, there will be a penalty before your departure. Please, be sure to send us your confirmed flight tickets and the exact address of your stay in Kyrgyzstan to avoid any problem.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan reserves the right to deny any application without providing explanations. Once the invitation process has started, no refund for any result of the process (rejection, delay, etc.) to be provided will be given. Applicants cannot reapply within one year in case the invitation is rejected.

Start Chat  Whatsapp Telegram

Email: abdukhalikov.ozod@gmail.com

From 1 September 2017 citizens of all countries and territories may apply for a visa through the eVisa system. Electronic visa holders must arrive via Manas or Osh airports or through land crossings with:

  • China (at Irkeshtam and Torugart)
  • Kazakhstan (at Ak-jol, Ak-Tilek, Chaldybar, Chon-Kapka)
  • Tajikistan (at Bor-Dobo, Kulundu, Kyzyl-Bel)
  • Uzbekistan (at Dostuk)

If you have any questions give us a call or email us.