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Uzbekistan plans to create tourist mahallas, villages and auls

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Uzbekistan plans to create tourist mahallas, villages and auls 25.09.2019 00:57

Everyone knows that the traditions, culture and lifestyle of the local population are powerful tourism potential, and it is important not to lose this.

Starting from 1 November, the State Committee for Tourism Development will begin to compile a list of gatherings of citizens (towns, villages, villages, as well as mahallas of cities, towns, villages and villages) that have the greatest tourist potential.

This is envisaged by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures for the further development of the tourism sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

Settlements with at least 20 family guest houses and providing at least 5 types of services for tourists (excluding accommodation and food services) will be assigned the status of “Tourist Mahalla”, “Tourist Village” or “Tourist Village”.

In 2020–2021, up to 5 gatherings of citizens who have been granted “tourist” status will be included in priority programs in the state programs “Obod qishloq” and “Obod mahalla”.