str.Nodirabegim 6/22, 140103, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
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9:00 am - 8:00 pm from Monday to Saturday
Interesting Facts about Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic Interesting Facts
Dominican Republic, officially Dominican Republic, is a country in North America. Here are some interesting facts about Dominican Republic:
The Dominican Republic is located on the island of Hispaniola, which it shares with Haiti.
The capital of the Dominican Republic is Santo Domingo, the oldest city in the New World.
The official language of the Dominican Republic is Spanish.
The Dominican Republic is known for its beautiful beaches, with over 1,000 miles of coastline along the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
The Dominican Republic is a leading producer of cigars, with some of the world's finest cigars made in the country.
The Dominican Republic is a popular tourist destination, with attractions such as the historic city of Santo Domingo, the beaches of Punta Cana, and the national parks of Jarabacoa.
The Dominican Republic has a Bible on its flag, and no other country in the world has this.
The Dominican Republic is known for its lively and colorful Carnival celebrations, which take place every year in February.
The national currency of Dominican is Peso.
Not everyone can vote in the Dominican Republic because the Dominican constitution denies the armed forces and police the right to vote.
The Dominican Republic is a democracy, with a president and a bicameral legislature.
The Dominican Republic has the greatest economy in Central America and the Caribbean combined.
Before the Dominican Republic and Haiti existed, the island was called Hispaniola.
The country is called “endless summer” for being warm and sunny conditions for most parts of the year.
The national drink of the Dominican Republic is coffee, and baseball is their national sport.
The country doesn't allow abortions, not even if a woman was raped or if she has health problems during pregnancy.
Dominican food is mostly influenced by Hispanic culture and recipes.
Mamajuana or Mama Juana is known as the favorite drink of the Dominicans.
Christopher Columbus first discovered the Dominican Republic in 1492.
There are a lot of amazing golf courses along the beautiful coastline there.
The Dominican Republic shares land borders only with Haiti.