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Karnay - National music instrument of Uzbekistan

Instrument of Uzbek Music, Karnay

The Karnay is a long trumpet with a mouthpiece. It is used in the music of Iran, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, where it is considered a national instrument.


  • Dutor (long-necked fretted lute)
  • Rubob (long-necked fretted lute)
  • Tanbur (long-necked fretted lute)
  • Tor (long-necked fretted lute)
  • Ud (long-necked fretted lute)
  • Gʻijjak (spike fiddle)
  • Chang (struck zither)


  • Nay (side-blown flute)
  • Qoʻshnay (clarinet like instrument made from reed)
  • Surnay (loud oboe)
